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Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow

The Cozy Bump

The Cozy Bump

Just about every woman who conceives children will experience back pain when pregnant. Back pain during pregnancy is one of the most, if not, the most common adversities that a pregnant woman will experience. Lower back pain when pregnant is especially common. Lower back pain when pregnant can be attributed to a variety of different factors, the biggest being back strain caused by carrying the weight of ones child. That being said, often times mothers are tasked with the goal of finding pregnancy back pain relief. As a pregnant woman progresses through her pregnancy, she may find that it becomes...

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Pregnancy Taping for Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Seperation)

Pregnancy Taping for Diastasis Recti (Abdominal Seperation)

A common side effect of pregnancy that pregnant mothers experience is Diastasis Recti, or Abdominal Separation. This condition affects 100% of pregnant women to some degree in their third trimester. In this article we’ll explain what Diastasis Recti is, how it affects pregnant women, and a potential form of treatment.

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Pregnancy Belly Button Pain

Pregnancy Belly Button Pain

Pregnancy belly button pain is something that many expecting mothers will experience. There are many factors that can cause navel pain during pregnancy. Here we discuss the different factors that can cause this pain, as well as different solutions!

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Key Nutrients During Pregnancy

Key Nutrients During Pregnancy

In essence, the best way to ensure that you’re taking in all of the necessary, key nutrients during pregnancy, is to eat a healthy, varied diet. In addition to that, there are also some supplements that one can take to help ensure proper nutrition. In this article we’ll discuss some of the key nutrients during pregnancy, some of the best and worst pregnancy foods, dieting while pregnant, pregnancy supplements.

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Pregnancy Tape for Back Pain when Pregnant

Pregnancy Tape for Back Pain when Pregnant

Pregnancy Tape for Back Pain when Pregnant   Almost every mother during the duration of their pregnancy will experience back pain while pregnant. Lower back pain when pregnant is one of the most common conditions that moms experience during pregnancy. With that being said, there are a variety of potential solutions to this back pain, a newer one being “pregnancy tape”. What Causes Back Pain When Pregnant? During a healthy pregnancy, a woman typically will gain between 25 and 35 pounds. The spine has to support this weight, in addition to the weight it was already carrying, prior to pregnancy....

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