Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow
Is It Okay To Sleep On My Stomach While Pregnant?
A very scary fear for many pregnant women is - “What if I roll on my belly at night? Could I squish my baby?!” Well, at least during the early stages you shouldn’t need to worry! According to New York OB-GYN Ashley Roman, MD, in the early stages of pregnancy, it’s perfectly safe to sleep on your stomach. Once your belly does start to grow, it won’t be comfy or even possible to lay for long periods of time on your stomach anyway so you’ll likely change positions on your own before you could do any harm anyway. So, if...
Back Pain in Pregnancy linked to kidney function
Back Pain in Pregnancy linked to kidney function Most women do not consider back pain during pregnancy as a serious matter. According to the doctors, more than half of expecting women experience back pain at one point in their pregnancy life. In most cases, expecting women experience back pain due to natural structural changes that are happening in their body. However, there is another cause too. If you wish to get to the bottom of this issue, then this article will be beneficial. Back pain during pregnancy is mostly linked to kidney function. This does not necessarily mean that you are...
Back Pain During Pregnancy
Back Pain During Pregnancy Weight gain is one common reason why women suffer from back pain during pregnancy. Sudden weight gain puts pressure on the spine to support the added weight. As the baby grows, its weight also presses nerves and blood vessels in the expectant mother's pelvis and back. As the mother gains weight, sometimes her posture changes to accommodate her weight gain, which may also strain back muscles. In addition to this, several hormonal and muscle changes also cause back pain. While expecting, a woman's body produces the hormone relaxin, which causes ligaments around the pelvis to relax...
Can You Sleep On Your Stomach While Pregnant?
Ahhhh sleeping on your stomach while pregnant...sounds like a dream...a fictional story...a made up, old wives’ tale...right? You're not the only one who wants to know if It's okay to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy. According to, a popular resource for pregnant women and parents, “ you can sleep on your stomach for as long as it suits you until your bump is too big” But what happens once your bump is too big you ask? You can’t lay on your stomach or your legs and head will be hanging in mid-air! All jokes aside, the only option...
Sleeping On Stomach While Pregnant
Women all of the world who sleep on their stomachs are faced with a challenge when they become pregnant. During the early stages of pregnancy, pregnant women have a lot to deal with. You name it, they're dealing with it : Fatigue Tender swollen breasts Headaches To name a few. These may not seem like big issues at first, But combine that with not being able to lie on your stomach if you're a stomach sleeper..... ....Forget about it!!!! As time goes on, and the baby gets larger, laying on your belly becomes impossible! Although it may be comfortable to lay...