Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow
Round Ligament Pain Pregnancy
Pregnancy Acupuncture and Fertility Acupuncture
The Evolution of the Pregnancy Pillow
The Evolution of the Pregnancy Pillow It’s no secret… pregnancy is one of the most, if not, the most difficult challenges of one’s life. Pregnancy takes many tolls on the body, one of which is lack of sleep. Ever since the beginning to time, finding a comfortable way to sleep whilst pregnant has proven to be extremely difficult for many expecting mothers. As a woman goes through pregnancy, the body experiences many rapid changes that may prove to be extremely difficult to accommodate, especially when trying to obtain sleep. During pregnancy, the belly and uterus expand significantly. A pregnant woman...
Is it Ok to Sleep on Your Stomach While pregnant?
Is it Okay to Sleep on Your Stomach While Pregnant? Stomach sleeping is something that many people, all over the world, have grown accustomed to. Stomach sleeping is also the second most popular sleeping position in America. During pregnancy, as the belly grows, sleeping on the stomach tends to become more uncomfortable. Still, many pregnant women wish for the ability to comfortably lay on their front, and ask “Is it okay to sleep on your stomach while pregnant?”, for they find that sleeping on their side is uncomfortable, and sleeping on their back is deemed medically unsafe. There are some...
Can I Sleep on My Stomach While Pregnant?
Can I Sleep on My Stomach While Pregnant? For years, many mothers asked the question, “Can I sleep on my stomach while pregnant?” It’s a very common question, especially for newly-expecting mothers. Traditionally, sleeping on the stomach after the twentieth week of pregnancy was not considered healthy for the mother, or child. If pregnant, sleeping on the stomach without the proper support can result in many health problems for both the mother and child and in more extreme cases, result in the loss of the child. There are many reasons as to why pregnant mothers traditionally couldn’t sleep on their...