Choosing baby names
Choosing a name for your new baby is one of the most exciting parts of becoming a new parent. The most important thing to remember is that the child is going to have this name for the rest of their life, so you need it to be a good one! Before choosing the latest "fad name" that happens to be all the rage now, ask yourself the following questions.
Does It Sound Good In Conversation, And While Shouting?
Every parent is going to yell their child's name at one time or another. Make sure that all the baby names you are considering sound good in everyday conversation, and when spoken in a firm tone of voice. Imagine that your child is in school and all of his or her classmates giggle when the teacher says their name.
Do All The Baby Names You Are Considering Go With Your Last Name?
Have you fallen in love with the name "Brian" and your last name is "Ryan"? Or, have you always dreamed of naming your daughter "Rose" but your last name is "Bush"? It may be best to spare your child the lifelong teasing that they will endure by having a first name that doesn't go with your last name. When considering names, repeat the name a few times with your last name. Make sure it is a good fit, otherwise, people will tease your child relentlessly.
What Nicknames Will My Child End Up With?
It may be best to get into a silly frame of mind for this one. Consider the name you have chosen, and ask yourself what nicknames can be derived from it. While the full form of the name may be lovely, you don't want your child being stuck with an unfortunate nickname for the rest of his or her life.
What Is The Shortened Version?
Even if you call your son or daughter by their full name, others won't. Make sure that you like the shortened version of the chosen name. If you can't wait to call your new daughter "Alexandra", yet the idea of hearing her referred to as "Alex" makes you cringe, you may need to rethink the name.
Does Anyone Famous Bear The Same Name?
Unless you are prepared to constantly be asked if you named your child after someone famous, make sure you are not giving the baby the same name as someone well-known. If you name your new daughter "Charlotte", you'll constantly be asked if you named her after Princess Charlotte. While you may love the name you are considering, don't use it unless you are willing to answer that question for years to come.
What Does The Chosen Name Mean?
Many baby girl names and baby boy names sound just lovely. However, when you look up their meanings, it can be something truly unfortunate. While not everyone cares about this, you may want to look up the meaning of the chosen name. If it is something that you feel will cause your child to be teased, pick a different name.
Is The Chosen Name Popular?
Are you considering unique baby names, or choosing the same name as everyone else? Do some research on what is popular at the time when you are naming your baby. Otherwise, your son could be one of 15 "Liam's" in his class or your daughter will be sitting among 10 other girls named "Emma".
Is The Name Easy To Spell?
You should consider baby names that your child will be able to spell when they start school. The last thing you want is to have your son or daughter struggling to spell his or her own name when they are in kindergarten. While fancy spellings and exotic names may seem pretty, make sure you are not creating an obstacle for your child.
Will People Be Able To Pronounce My Child's Name?
If the name you are considering is difficult to spell, consider changing it. Imagine how frustrating it will be for your child if they have to spend their entire life telling people how to properly pronounce their name. While "Kyra" and "Siobhan" are unique baby names, your child will constantly be correcting people's pronunciation.
Do I Care What People Think?
If so, then cover all of your bases when choosing a baby name. If not, then name your baby whatever you like! After all, this is one of your rights as a new parent, so go with the name you've dreamed of for the last nine months!
There are many beautiful baby girl names and baby boy names to choose from. Carefully consider what you will ultimately call your child. You want both you and your baby to be happy for the rest of your lives!