Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow
Pregnancy is an exciting time for a woman but it can also be a period of uncertainty and a variety of discomforts. One of the common grievances faced by expecting women is the longing to lay on their stomachs for sleeping, relaxing, getting a massage, or relief of back pain. Many women typically lay on their stomachs to get a good night of rest but have a hard time adjusting to sleeping on their sides throughout pregnancy.
By only being able to sleep on their side, many expecting women lose precious sleep during pregnancy. Expectant mothers also face back pain issues due to pressure on the spine and weight gain associated with growing bellies.
Cozy Bump Pregnancy Pillow
Until now, expectant mothers have had to rely on typical maternity pillows, such as the snoogle, in order to attempt getting a restful night of sleep despite their growing bellies and sleeping limitations. Previously, the snoogle helped millions of women during pregnancy but an ever better, more updated maternity pillow is now available. Created to offer expecting women the ability to safely lay on their stomachs in a variety of situations, the Cozy Bump maternity pillow is a wonderful tool - the first of its kind - for experiencing a more comfortable, restful pregnancy.
Cozy Bump vs Previous Pregnancy Pillows
Whereas the snoogle only offered the ability to achieve more comfortable side sleeping positions, the Cozy Bump pregnancy pillow allows for stomach sleeping - a previously impossible position. This allows expectant mothers to enjoy sleeping on their stomachs again without fear of harming their baby. In addition, the snoogle is not capable of decompressing the spine the way the Cozy Bump is.
Benefits of the Cozy Bump include:
Not only does the Cozy Bump pregnancy pillow allow expectant mothers the possibility to safely, comfortably lay on their stomachs while sleeping or napping, but it also features a variety of other helpful uses.
- The ability to lay on your stomach for taking naps or sleeping more comfortably at night.
- Lay in the sun and tan your back comfortably.
- Get a massage - normally when receiving a massage during pregnancy a woman has to lay on her side but not with the Cozy Bump pregnancy pillow.
- Helps alleviate back pain during pregnancy by taking pressure off
Special Features of the Cozy Bump:
The Cozy Bump maternity pillow offers a variety of unique aspects and beneficial features including:
-Inflatable and easy to use.
-The only pillow that allows expecting women to safely lay on their stomachs during pregnancy.
-Adjustable - The specially designed raised ring is able to accommodate all sizes of an expectant mother's belly from the early weeks of pregnancy all the way to the baby's due date.
-Folds compact for easy, convenient storage when not in use.
-A raised center bump provides gentle pressure to the hips in order to help reduce back pain that typically accompanies a growing belly.
-The declined leg portion decompresses the back to calm back pain by helping lower back pressure / decompressing the spine.
-The Cozy Bump is chiropractor and OB/GYN approved.
-Is available in 2 colors: Pink or Blue.
-Has a weight limit of 300lbs.
-The pregnancy pillow is 6 feet long to accommodate a variety of heights.
-Allows for an expectant mother to safely practice certain yoga and exercise positions that would normally be impossible and unsafe during pregnancy.
-The Cozy Bump can be used by anyone, not just expectant mothers experiencing back pain due to its ability to decompress the spine.
Safety of the Cozy Bump
In terms of the safety of using the Cozy Bump for laying on your stomach,
-Dr. Beim, a top rated OB/GYN in New Jersey, states "we have no evidence that laying in that position, especially given the cutout here, would be a problem for the baby".
-Dr. Beim adds, "this would allow an expecting woman to safely be able to lay on the stomach and not have to have any fears of injury or problems with the baby".
Doctor Praise for the Cozy Bump
According to Dr. Vincent Amato, a chiropractor, the Cozy Bump is a safe option for successfully relieving back pain during pregnancy due to its specific design that allows for decompression of the spine. Dr. Beim offers strong praise for the Cozy Bump stating "I've had patients lay on it and I can say that I would highly recommend the Cozy Bump to allow expecting women to easily, safely, and finally get a good night of sleep".
How to Use the Cozy Bump:
The Cozy Bump is easy to use and fast to set up or take down.
1) To use the Cozy Bump, make sure both chambers are filled to maximum capacity..
2) To lay down, start by kneeling on the lower leg section and carefully begin to lower yourself down.
3) Position your belly directly over the center opening.
4) To add additional length, if needed, simply line up an additional pillow at the bottom of the Cozy Bump.
5) To switch positions or get off the pillow, return to a kneeling position, place a knee along the side of the mattress, and once balanced, get up. If needed, have someone assist you in getting up.
6) Consult a doctor if you have any concerns.
7) To clean the Cozy Bump, simply wipe clean with a cloth and soapy water.
In conclusion, pregnancy does not have to limit a woman to only sleeping on her side or back or forgoing a relaxing massage. Pregnancy can be full of uncomfortable adjustments but now, by using the Cozy Bump pregnancy pillow, an expecting woman can experience one less discomfort during pregnancy. Through the use of the Cozy Bump, pregnancy can be a time of comfortable relaxing and restful sleep.